Friday, January 21, 2011

Chiropractic Adjustments Can Make You really! - July 1, 2010

Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,

Have you ever missed a scheduled appointment with Dr. Chris and then got so busy it was difficult to reschedule. It's happened to all of us at least once.  Eventually you feel it though and end up back in to see him, but here is an interesting addition. Getting regular adjustments not only helps you feel better physically but can also improve you overall well-being and mood.

Studies actually show that well-being may be directly tied to vertebral subluxations (for those who don't know what that is: it's when your vertebrae have restricted mobility). The studies showed that after nine months of chiropractic care a woman who had previously scored low on a quality of life measurement had a significantly improved score. What does this mean?

Well it could be that her pain had subsided and that alone was enough to improve her mood. It also may have something to do with improved communication in her Nervous System via her spine. Unknown factors could be that her interest in Chiropractic also sparked an interest in improving her wellness in other ways (exercise and diet). No matter how you look at it her adjustments improved her quality of life and lifted her mood. This is a good thing!  It is shown that patients of chiropractic have a tendency to choose healthier lifestyles in general than people who do not see a chiropractor. 

It is also shown that chiropractic adjustments can help relieve Depression and Anxiety.  By restoring normal nerve function with specific adjustments, symptoms of depression and anxiety can be alleviated. This is big news because these mood disorders are extremely common and are treated almost solely with medication that generally carries a variety of side-affects. 

Unlike medication, chiropractic is a long-term, all natural approach to being healthy in mind and body. It is something that should be seen as integral to your health as your diet and exercise. Keeping your spine healthy is important in a variety of aspects of your overall-well-being.

If you're interested in more information Dr. Chris is holding bi-monthly spinal health workshops. They are held on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:15pm. There is no cost and we encourage everyone to come at least once! Talk to me if you'd like to sign up. The first one will be on July 5th at 7:15pm.

I hope everyone is well and gearing up for a great Independence Day Weekend.

Take Care,
Karla H.
Roscoe Chiropractic Centre

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