Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,
I've missed you! I apologize for the lack of communication the last couple weeks! We've been busy around here getting all sorts of new and fun things going for all of you. For starters we now have a massage therapist. Her name is Michelle and she'll be starting Monday (Nov. 1st). She'll be in 9-7 on Mondays and 9-2 Wednesdays and Fridays. She's already offering a special for all of you, $5 off your first massage in November. What a gal, right?! So you're welcome to call the office to set up an appointment with her or inquire about her pricing.
With National Chiropractic Month coming to a close (where did the month go?!) we are doing something way cool and community minded from here on out. All of you out there who like to refer your friends and family to us (thank you, you rock!!) let them know that for the month of November if they bring in $10 worth of Macaroni products (any sort of mac n cheese or pasta in general) they will receive their exam and x-rays for free! The best part of this is not that Dr. Chris and I will have a macaroni feast, but that we donate the food to the food pantry at Life Church! How awesome is that?! So send all your friends and family in with that macaroni and not only help them, but help your community at the same time. The Life Church food pantry serves families from the whole Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois area. We'll be focusing on different foods each month, but this will be a continuing special we'll offer for new patients. We welcome and encourage any food donations!
Thanks for hanging in there through all that. Now for the "meat" of the message. Today I'm going to pull some information from an edition of "To Your Health". We all hear about "wellness" and how we should all have a "wellness plan". What exactly does that mean and how can Dr. Chris help you achieve it? So what is "wellness"? Many people think the absence of symptomatic disease means they are well, but true wellness is more than that. If you're sick and take medicine to mask the symptoms, it doesn't mean you're well, it just means the symptoms aren't there anymore. The root cause of the problem hasn't been addressed, and you likely aren't any better off than when you started. For example, if you have high cholesterol and take medication to regulate it, it may work, but it doesn't address why you had high cholesterol in the first place. So simply not having a symptom doesn't mean you living a life of wellness.
Think of wellness in terms of promoting health and preventing disease. They should go together. You don't want to wait until symptoms appear - back pain, poor digestion, fatigue etc. - or a disease process takes hold (diabetes, cancer) and then react; you want to be pro-active and engage in behavior that promotes health and reduces the risk of even developing the disease in the first place.
What is the difference between medical and wellness care? The biggest difference between mainstream medicine and wellness care is in the title -- medicine. Medical professional's today are generally treating symptoms instead of the cause of the problem. The bigger problem lies with the fact that medicines usually begin to create a whole list of their own symptoms that need to be treated with more medicine! This is a domino effect that leads into illness and dependence instead of health. Dr. Chris on the other hand recognizes that symptoms are there for a reason, it's an alert from your body that something isn't right, and then he can begin to seek out the cause of the problem.
So what are the top 5 truths about wellness care?
5. Symptoms are not the problem, but an alert. They shouldn't be silenced.
4. The body has an inborn ability to restore itself and will adapt to outside stressors, whether they are physical, emotional or chemical. When these stressors become too much the body wears down trying to maintain balance.
3. Wellness practitioners do not diagnose or treat conditions and diseases, but instead identify and remove outside stressors.
2. Wellness care focuses on improving function rather than hiding symptoms.
1. Doctors of Chiropractic recognize the value of preventative care compared to symptoms based care. With regular adjustments, spinal health is maintained which in turn encourages proper nervous system function and that allows the whole body to function at its best!
Check out this issue of "To Your Health", it'll be in the office, there are tons more interesting articles available! Keep your eyes on our slideshows when you visit the office you'll find not only interesting information on health and chiropractic but also news on what's going on in the office as well.
Take care this week and be healthy!
Karla H.
Roscoe Chiropractic Centre
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