Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,
Today we are going to take it back to basics. I'm going to keep it simple and talk about what subluxation degeneration is and how it affects your health. If you are lost already that's ok, that's why I'm writing this. Subluxation is a term chiropractors use to describe the improper alignment and/or function in a specific area of the spine. This misalignment affects the normal spread of nerve impulses between the brain and the rest of the body. Chiropractic is the ONLY profession that is dedicated to identifying and correcting these misalignments. Lucky for you, you already know a great chiropractor!
Correct alignment of your spine is important for several reasons, first it provides stability for your skeletal structure. It lends balance and flexibility to your frame. Second, the spinal cord is contained within the spine. That collection of nerve fibers and cells connects the brain with the rest of the body. This system monitors and regulates all of your other vital systems! If any of these nerves are misdirected by a subluxation it can wreak havoc on your body. Improper coordination or regulation of any one of these physiological systems can lead to health problems.
Studies have shown that very little pressure or irritation is required to cause a significant impairment to the nerve. Even small amounts of compression or inflammation caused by joint misalignment or damage may produce disease in the local tissues.
There are four phases of subluxation degeneration if left unattended. The fewer phases you have gone through the more readily Dr. Chris will be able to correct and reverse the effects.
Phase One: This phase represents early changes caused by chronic spinal subluxation. IT is characterized by abnormal segmental motion and/or gross changes to the normal posture curves without any degenerative changes that can be picked up on an x-ray. Joints will show changes in tone and early stages of scar tissue.
Phase Two: This stage represents the onset of bone and joint changes that accompany chronic spinal subluxations. The most common signs of degeneration are irregular joint surfaces and decreased disc height.
Phase Three: This point is typically associated with extensive joint and/or disc degeneration accompanied by bone changes (bone spurs) when the body tries to stabalize the area. Early stages of spinal fusion begin to appear.
Phase Four: This phase is characterized by extensive bony fusion that occurs when degenerative changes are left uncorrected for many years. Typically seen in the elderly (65+), it may occur in younger individuals who have experienced severe trauma, infection or surgery.
Fortunately chiropractic has been shown to stop the progression of degenerative changes in most individuals in phases 1-3. The adjustment accomplishes this by re-establishing proper alignment and movement in the affected motion segments of the spine. The abnormal tension is removed from the joints, discs and nerves.
Acute episodes of subluxation can sometimes be alleviated with one adjustment but most spinal conditions require weeks, months or years of regular, consistent care to create total correction. It's important to have Dr. Chris assess your spine for this degeneration and get adjusted to prevent smaller problems from progressing into more serious health problems.
D.D. Palmer observed that "A subluxated vertebra is the cause of 95 percent of all diseases...the other 5 percent is caused by displaced joints other than those in the vertebral column".
I hope everyone is happy and well! Stop in next month to learn more about how Chiropractic applies to your life! We'll be featuring different topics every week and extending some new patient specials for the month of October as well, so share us with a friend! Call to find out details.
Take care,
Karla H.
Roscoe Chiropractic Centre
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