Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,
Smoking seems to get a pretty bad rap, awe, poor tobacco companies having to fight the truth all the time. I jest, but really, it should get a bad rap because it's actually really terrible for you. I'm going to point out a few things that correlate smoking with back pain, just to show again why you shouldn't smoke.
Tobacco smoke contains around 4,000 chemicals and 50 of them are linked to cancer. Ingredients like nicotine and carbon monoxide constrict the arteries and interfere with circulation. If you have poor circulation then oxygen and other nutrients are not being circulated throughout your body. Without oxygen and nutrients your nerves waste away. Its imperative that your spinal nerves receive these things otherwise it cannot heal and repair itself. That alone convinces me, but then again I've never been a smoker so I'm sure I don't entirely understand the draw.
A study from John's Hopkins University showed a definite link between smoking and the development of lumbar spondylosis (huh?) in other words degeneration of the spine and pain in the neck and back. Smoking is also a component in artheroscleroris, this is a condition where plaque builds up in your arteries, hardens and reduces the space available for your blood to circulate. This can cause heart attack or stroke, but (if that isn't enough) is also known to disrupt the blood flow to the abdominal arteries that feed the spine causing the spinal discs to become brittle and painful.
Some other smoking related causes of back pain come from the coughing which often accompanies smoking. This consistent coughing causes stress in the spinal discs and over time can cause pain.
Just by quitting smoking all of these horrible afflictions can begin to be reversed. If you'd like tips on how to quit smoking Dr. Chris would be happy to talk with you!
I hope everyone is well and pain free this week!
Get outside and enjoy this beautiful day.
Take care,
Karla H.
Roscoe Chiropractic Centre
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