Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spring has arrived!

Spring is finally here!  With this warmer weather brings yard work, barbeques, and farmers markets.  Farmers markets are a great way to get fresh fruits, vegetables, and sometimes even meat and fish.  Did you know that a large reason for the rise in obesity is that people have lost their connection to the soil, and subsequently their food and where it comes from?  In the past, you had to get fresh food that wasn't mass produced and injected with chemicals or covered with pesticides, but nowadays its much easier and sadly cheaper to run to McDonald's and get a cheeseburger than to make a homemade salad with fresh vegetables.  This has also led to children not wanting to eat their vegetables.  Simple solution, try planting a garden with your kids.  Teaching them how to plant the vegetables and/or fruits, how to take care of them, and them watching what they have taken care of grow into something they can eat will raise their awareness of what they put into their bodies and give them a new respect for fresh food.

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