Friday, December 30, 2011

Would you like a Coke with that? - December 30, 2011

Can you believe that in a few days it will be 2012?  It seems like 2011 just began and now its ending, and I don't know about you but my New Year's resolution was to lose weight and become healthier and as I look at myself in the mirror the image I see is not the one I wanted!  So again this year my resolution will be to lose weight and become healthier overall, both mentally and physically.  One important thing I have recently learned, is that its important to not only watch what we eat but also what we drink.  Here are some tips to help stick with your goals for a healthier lifestyle:

    1. Avoid drinking beverages that have large amounts of calories and sugar.  Also try to avoid sodas, sports                  drinks, juices, and fruit drinks which contain artificial dyes, flavorings, and other ingredients that your body just         simply does not need.

    2. When drinking coffee or tea, replace cream or creamers with nonfat milk.
    3.  Craving a fizzy drink?  Try adding a splash of juice or lemon slices to sparkling water, but be careful to get a          sparking water with no or low sodium.
    4.  When ordering out, order the smallest size beverage available.
    5.  Reusing plastic water bottles can actually cause a bacterial growth to form.  If you have to buy bottled                  water, transfer it into a glass, a pitcher, or a stainless steel water bottle to avoid the potential of bacteria                   growing. 

Of course an important step in becoming healthier or maintaining good health is getting regular chiropractic adjustments. 

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