With the holidays upon us it is important to take a moment to step back and enjoy them, and life in general. As a whole our society is always on the go, and thanks to wonderful technological advances we are able to do or find out just about anything at the drop of a hat, but it is this way of life that can be detrimental to your health and well-being. Especially at the holidays everyone gets so busy preparing to celebrate that they forget to take the time to just enjoy the season, or for others the holidays cause an explosion of good and bad memories which tend to send our moods on a roller coaster ride! It is important to remember that you need to live every day to its fullest, but that doesn't mean you have to be on the go constantly to get the most out of the day. Simply sitting down looking out a window at the snow that is usually falling on us in December, or reaching out to a friend or loved one that you haven't been as connected to is a good way to slow down and fully enjoy the day.
Here are some tips to avoid letting the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and life get you down or stressed out. First it is important to start out by planning your day. Take five minutes when you wake up to sit and relax and create a to do list for the day. This will un-clutter your life and it will be satisfying to you as you go through the day crossing off items on your list. That sense of accomplishment will also help to boost your mood.
Another important and often overlooked asset to improving your day is the sound of music. Music invokes so many emotions and memories, so turn on a favorite cd or radio station while accomplishing your to do list and the time will go by much more enjoyably. In addition, music can be a wonderful way to motivate you while exercising. Exercising even for short periods of time will get your body working in a positive direction to improve your physical and mental health, and will actually improve your energy levels. Of course eating right and maintaining healthy snacks throughout the day will also improve your overall health and positively affect your mood.
Lastly, it is important to remember that sometimes a simple act of kindness towards a friend, loved one, co-worker, or even a stranger may dramatically affect that person's day and life. It is impossible to know what is going on with the sullen cashier at the grocery store, but a simple genuine thank you to them after you have bought your groceries may show that person that there are people out there that care about them, even though currently they don't feel that there are. Just remember it is the little things in life that matter, and they are truly priceless.
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