Everyone has seen them, the commercials and print ads for acid-reflux medication. The purple pill... what do we really know about it? I want to share some really interesting information with you about your digestive process and what these medications do to that process. Most often doctors will treat people with acid reflux, gas/bloating and other digestive issues by prescribing a pill that suppresses the acid production in your stomach or neutralizes it. The concern is that many people that have these symptoms are not suffering from too much acid but not enough.
The function of your stomach acid is to digest protein. So if someone's stomach isn't producing enough acid and they eat a piece of chicken or other meat, it hits the stomach and needs that hydrochloric acid to break it down, instead it sits there and begins to putrefy, creating acid and gases (not the good kind). Now this person will likely exhibit symptoms - a sour stomach, belching or even acid reflux. This all happened because they didn't have enough acid to begin with.
It's important to have adequate amounts of stomach acid because it triggers the upper sphincter of the stomach to close when you eat to prevent any acid or food from going up into the esophagus. If you don't have enough acid, not only will you be unable to digest the protein properly but that sphincter will not be triggered to close tightly enough and acid reflux could occur. Low stomach acid also causes the lower stomach sphincter to stay closed, which leads to the feeling of being overly full because the stomach isn't emptying properly.
So if we are all taking acid suppressors we could be exacerbating the problems and causing more issues. There are many things that can be done to help eliminate stomach problems such as these and most of them don't include taking a purple pill. If you want more information on this topic you can read the rest of the article in the July/August issue of To Your Health in our lobby!
I hope everyone is well as we move through the month toward summer!
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