Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Power Protein - April 7, 2011

Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,

 Soon we will all be discussing how it's too hot outside, I can almost hear it already. Happy April, by the way.  I'm going to share today about a protein antioxidant that your body produces called Glutathione. It seems this protein in sufficient levels in your body may play a role in preventing a number of health disorders: Alzheimers, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, Strokes and other Psychiatric Disorders.  That pretty much sums up all the things you don't want to take place in your body. So lets learn a little more about this powerful little protein antioxidant.

This protein has been called the "master antioxidant" because our own bodies produce it and other antioxidants cannot function properly without sufficient levels of it available in your body. It helps your body clean out toxins, slows aging, boosts energy and protects from viruses and bacteria. White blood cells, which are key to fighting disease and infections can only be created with the right levels of glutathione present in the body.

So if this protein is so powerful why do ever get sick? Well just like other nutrients  and biochemical substances the levels can drop due to poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise, not enough sleep and exposure to toxins. So where can you find glutathione?  It can be found in raw vegetables, meat, milk and eggs. The key word is raw, so heating destroys it which is main drawback to getting adequate amounts through cooked food. You can purchase glutathione supplements  but taking it orally may not provide much benefit, as it is poorly absorbed through the digestive tract and most of it goes out as waste. As a result of these problems scientists have changed their focus from supplements to developing nutritional products that provide the building blocks for your body to create it's own glutathione. 

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