Dear Friends of Roscoe Chiropractic,
Brrrrr! I do make a concentrated effort to stay positive on the things I cannot change, like this deep freeze weather but I have to say, wow, I can't wait for it to warm up, even a little. My car was NOT happy this morning, but I got here. :) So I hope everyone is staying warm today! I have very exciting news to share, we are going to be rolling out our new website sometime in the next couple days! The plan is to go "live" today but having never published a website before I don't know the exact process but I want ALL of you out there to take a minute over the next few days and check it out. Not only do I want you to check it out, I want FEEDBACK! We want this site to be as helpful as possible so please let us know if it is difficult to navigate, if anything is missing from the old site that you liked or if anything is unclear or not showing up quite right so that we can fix it asap! The web address is, understand that if you click it right now (Thursday at 10am) you will be taken to our old site. The new site is far more colorful and expressive (at least that's what I think..ha ha). So write back here or stop in and let us know anything you want to tell us about the new site whether it's advice on changes or just telling us you like what we've done.
Well since I'm so excited about getting Roscoe Chiro's website out of its awful rut, I'm going to share some ways that you can change up your routine to avoid falling into a rut yourself! Here are 8 lifestyle changes that can help you out (taken from Feb. To Your Health)
#1 - Change your mindset - Get out of your comfort zone. We change and grow the most when we are uncomfortable and challenged! Status quo may be safe but it's also very boring. Take a new risk and push yourself a little and you'll find you feel excited and maybe even a little empowered to open your mind to more new things. A great quote from Abraham Lincoln when he said "People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." How true that is! The next time you are faced with something you usually react to with anger or anxiety take a moment to step back and choose how you will respond instead of the knee-jerk reaction you usually fall into. Responding and reacting are two very different things! Make a choice and take control.
#2 - Feed your fitness - Yes. Here it is, it's generally on every list I write about. How you feel is directly related to how well you take care of your body! But as we know from last week, even a LITTLE bit of exercise (as little as 7 minutes a week!) can have a good effect on your health and ultimately your attitude.
#3 - Explore new ideas - Do you have a hobby? Yes, you should share it with others! Join a club or group that shares your passions. If you don't have a hobby then find something you'd be interested in trying and push yourself a little. Meeting new people and partaking in new things can really shift your outlook.
#4 - Control the clock - Change your normal routine of going to bed and waking up. Stay up longer or wake up earlier to invest some more time into yourself. Take this extra time to read a book or (in warmer weather) take a walk.
#5 - Make your own map - Do you ever get out of your car at your destination and realize you don't even remember half of the drive? You've driven it so many times you instantly go on autopilot and every stop and turn is mindless. Make a choice to take a new route home or to work. Make a left instead of a right, just change it up so you are actively engaged in where you are going. Plus you never know what you might come across.
#6 - Just say yes - Whenever you feel like saying no to something or someone, just decide to say yes. When we say no it is usually because something is pushing us out of our comfort zone or routine. We pull back because of an underlying sense of fear. Face it and do it anyway.
#7 - Volunteer - Take the focus off of you and put it on others. The act of giving your time, energy, expertise and friendship to others will change you. You automatically feel more happiness and less stagnation by devoting yourself to others. Even if you don't think you have enough time in your busy life, I highly recommend finding even a little time once a month to make your life less about you and even a little bit about other people who need help. Think about how much time you spend mindlessly in front of the TV every week? Invest even a little of that time into something worthwhile like helping others.
#8 - Try a change of taste - The simple act of changing your food selections can bust you out of a rut. If you order the exact same thing on the menu every time you go somewhere, stop doing that! Make a 180 degree shift in your choices. Food can be an emotional experience because so many of our moments are spent with others around a dinner table. Change up the menu at home at at work.
I think this list is great. In fact it's one of the easiest things to implement. These suggestions are super simple and I believe will help get you out of the mindless routine and back into a life that is filled with new choices and perhaps new friendships.
Take care friends and stay warm this week!
Karla H.
Roscoe Chiropractic Centre
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